Playing with ideas

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a creative method for facilitating communication between people. Thinking with one's hands allows abstract ideas to be discussed. The Lego bricks serve as metaphors and make what would otherwise have remained hidden accessible. It is, therefore, not about playing with bricks, but about playing with ideas.

I use LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® in my workshops to make the participants' potential accessible to them. The method offers organisations the opportunity to create a successful team, leadership and relationship culture and to develop business strategies.

LEGO and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ® The LEGO Group


A fertile basis for change

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Psychological safety

When we feel comfortable is when we give our maximum performance. With the help of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, I create a safe atmosphere in which problems are solved objectively and as a team.

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Thinking without railing

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method offers a protected environment for innovation. There is no right and no wrong. We generate new ideas, try them out and refine them together.

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Allowing change

Play stimulates creativity in a way that is nigh-on impossible with an ordinary brainstorming session. By thinking in scenarios, people develop a common vision that can be easily transferred into everyday life.


Four steps to success

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1. Posing the question

Every solution starts with a problem. As a facilitator, I provide the participants with a series of tasks that are carefully attuned to the goal of the workshop in advance. Although LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® was developed for groups, the method has also proven itself in use with individuals. That is why I also use it in my coaching sessions.

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2. Building

Now is the time for creativity! The participants build models in response to the previously asked questions. This stimulates the imagination and allows an alternative mode of access to one's own world of thoughts. The reason this works so well is because we are speaking not in words, but in pictures. The models form the starting point for further exchange in the group.

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3. Presentation

In the next step, the participants present their model to the others and thereby prepare the way for the last phase of the process: reflection. Without any regard to hierarchical structures whatsoever, every view receives the attention it deserves. With the help of targeted queries, participants' own thought patterns and intentions become clearer.

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4. Reflection

Now, the discussion begins and, once again, everyone is asked to get involved. Through my support as a certified facilitator, I guide the group in a targeted manner towards accessing its untapped potential. We pool and connect our knowledge, arrive at common insights, and develop solutions that can be translated into everyday life.

Lego building
Core beliefs

A level playing field for cooperation

  • Leadership in the 21st century does not mean having all the answers, but seeking them together.
  • Success does not depend on authority, but on all voices being heard.
  • Everyone wants to make a contribution and to be part of something bigger.
  • Everyone can, and wants, to take responsibility.
  • Effective teams draw on the knowledge of all team members.
  • In a complex world, it is important to be adaptable.
  • Everyone has a right to participate.
  • Sustainable results are achieved through maximum participation.